Cataract Surgery

Our versatile cataract surgery suite offers flexibility to deliver optimal performance and high-quality vision.

Elderly lady looking at flowers

Cataract Surgery

Eye of senior lady

IOL and Implants

As pioneers in ophthalmology, we deliver innovative cataract solutions to help promote excellent patient outcomes.
Doctor looking at a tablet


Our phaco system offers outstanding performance and surgical suite optimization.
3D eye scan using Catalys

Laser Cataract Surgery

Laser-assisted cataract surgery engineered to elevate the surgical experience and drive better patient outcomes.

Cataract Vision Simulator and Calculators

Vision Simulator

Vision simulator

View out Vision Simulator to better understand the visual benefits of our different IOL options.

TECNIS Toric Calculator

TECNIS toric calculator

Use TECNIS Toric Calculator to find the right IOL for astigmatic patients.

LRI Calculator

LRI Calculator

Calculate measurements for limbal relaxing incisions.

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Vision Made Possible