ACUVUE® Abiliti 1-Day

Breakthrough technology in a kid-friendly lens
Abiliti product shot
Abiliti 1-Day lenses are the first and only daily disposable silicone hydrogel lenses designed specifically to slow the progression of myopia in children while providing crisp, clear vision.^1
Abiliti product shot
Breakthrough technology in a kid-friendly lens
Abiliti 1-Day lenses are the first and only daily disposable silicone hydrogel lenses designed specifically to slow the progression of myopia in children while providing crisp, clear vision.^1

Why treat myopia with Abiliti 1-Day?

Proven efficacy

Show to reduce axial elongation by 0.19mm, on average over a 1-year period.*2

First & only

Daily disposable silicone hydrogel soft contact lenses specifically designed for slowing the progression of myopia in children^1


Breakthrough RingBoost technology with a specialized optical design1

Never beaten in comfort

Made from the same material as ACUVUE® OASYS 1-Day, which have never been beaten in comfort in 6 clinical studies posted on*

See how it works

Learn more about the science behind ACUVUE® Abiliti 1-Day lenses

How can your patients benefit from Abiliti 1-Day?

Easy to handle

More than 90% of children indicated it was easy to insert after 1 month of wear**1

Lets kids be kids

Freedom from glasses during the day so your patients can lead an active lifestyle

Class 1 UV

Protection helps protect eyes from UV†‡3

Clear vision

More than 95% of children achieved VA of 20/20 or better†2††

Designed for kids

With smaller lens parameters and steeper base curve than a typical contact lens design‡‡4

Professional picture of Eye doctor Dr. Vishakra

"If I were to look at all of the patients that I have seen with Abiliti 1-Day for the last year and a half, axial length changes have been minimal, and refractive error changes have almost been nothing. That’s very promising in my opinion"

-Dr. Vishakha Thakrar, OD, FAAO, FSLS#

We're here to help your practice succeed

Concierge support

Receive personalized guidance from highly skilled professionals.

More ways to engage patients

Offer your patients our digital companion app called SeeAbiliti to help manage their myopia treatment program.

Training with clinical centers of excellence

Learn fitting, practice management, marketing and more from our clinical consultants - for both you and your staff.

Keep your patients unstoppable

Abiliti product shot

Interested in bringing ACUVUE® Abiliti into your practice? Use the button below to schedule a consult.

Treat myopia while they sleep

ACUVUE® Abiliti™ Overnight

See all that the Abiliti family of products can offer your patients. Learn more about Abiliti Overnight, an orthokeratology lens that slows myopia progression at night.

See Your Impact

Every child deserves the gift of clear sight. That’s why Johnson & Johnson Vision is proud to support the Sight For Kids® program with our non-profit partner Lions Clubs International Foundation.

Each annual purchase of an Abiliti product provides a free comprehensive eye exam to a child in need through Sight For Kids®. To date, almost 42 million students globally have received eye exams, with over 500,000 children in need receiving eyeglasses.

A breakthrough innovation specifically designed for slowing the progression of myopia in children1

Lens Parameters Available



-0.25 to -8.00 D, 0.25 D steps (32 levels)


13.8 mm


7.9 mm


0.68 MPa


senofilcon A
(same material as ACUVUE® OASYS 1-Day)


Class 1


0.085 mm to 0.097 mm (varies with power)


121 x 10-9

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^ Based on publicly available information as of December 3, 2021.
* Compared to single vision contact lenses after 1 year of wear.
**JJV Data on File, 2021 Top 3 Box = Extremely easy, very easy, easy
†Helps protect against transmission of harmful UV radiation to the cornea and into the eye.
‡ WARNING: UV-absorbing contact lenses are NOT substitutes for protective UV-absorbing eyewear such as UV-absorbing goggles or sunglasses because they do not completely cover the eye and surrounding area. You should continue to use UV-absorbing eyewear as directed. NOTE: Long-term exposure to UV-radiation is one of the risk factors associated with cataracts. Exposure is based on a number of factors such as environmental conditions (altitude, geography, cloud cover) and personal factors (extent and nature of outdoor activities). UV-blocking contact lenses help provide protection against harmful UV radiation. However, clinical studies have not been done to demonstrate that wearing UV-blocking contact lenses reduces the risk of developing cataracts or other disorders. Consult your eye care practitioner for more information.
††Measured using LogMAR visual acuity where 0.00 LogMAR is equivalent to 20/20 vision.
‡‡Compared to the diameter and base curve of ACUVUE® OASYS 1-Day lenses.
# Dr. Thakrar is a paid consultant for Johnson & Johnson Vision. This statement is from her own experience in her own words. Success results may vary.

1. JJV Data on File 2021. Development of Optical Design of ACUVUE® AbilitiTM 1-Day Soft Therapeutic Lenses for Myopia Management.
2. JJV Data on file, 2021. Efficacy of ACUVUE® AbilitiTM 1-Day Soft Therapeutic Lenses for Myopia Management: Comparative Claims vs. Single Vision and Dual Focus Lenses.
3. JJV Data on File 2021. Material Properties: ACUVUE Abiliti 1-Day Soft Therapeutic Lenses for Myopia Management.
4. JJV Data on File 2021. Mechanical Design of ACUVUE® AbilitiTM 1-Day Soft Therapeutic Lenses for Myopia Management-Effect on Fit and Handling.

Important safety information:
ACUVUE® AbilitiTM 1-Day Soft Therapeutic Lenses for Myopia Management are available by prescription only forthe correction of myopia (while the lenses are worn) and may slow the progression of myopia in children(7-12 years old). As with any contact lens, eye problems, including corneal ulcers, can develop. Some wearersmay experience mild irritation, itching or discomfort. These lenses should not be prescribed if patients haveany eye infection, or experience eye discomfort, excessive tearing, vision changes, redness, other eye problems.Due to the intended optical design of these lenses for the purpose of reducing the patient’s prescriptionchange, these lenses will provide vision correction while worn, but the vision quality may not be as clear aswith conventional soft contact lenses. Patients should exercise extra care if performing potentially hazardous,vision demanding activities. Complete information is also available from Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, calling 1-877-334-3937, option 4, or by visiting


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